Groton Recreation
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Junior Firefighter Register View Cart

Enjoy fun games and activities with the Groton Fire Department designed to educate youngsters about firefighting and ambulance. Children will learn how to dress like a firefighters, tie knots, compete in a “Bucket Brigade”, crawl through a “smoke” room to rescue victims, and more! Be sure to wear your sneakers or water shoes (no open-toed shoes please) and prepare to get wet! Pre-Registration is required!!

Dates: July 14th - July 16th (Mon-Wed)
Time: 6:00pm –8:00pm
Ages: 5 – 12
Fee: FREE to Groton Residents!
Donations Welcome!
Location: Groton Memorial Park
Instructors: Groton Fire Department

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Junior Firefighter 
5y - 12y N/A MTuW  TBA $0.00 Fee, $0.00 Non-Res
* Adjustments and discounts will be applied during checkout if applicable. *

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