Groton Recreation
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Fall Youth Soccer Register View Cart

Soccer Ball In The Grass Covered By Rain
** Please note this is for the Groton, New York program **
Registration fee is $35.00
Family Discount: First Child is $35.00, any additional children $25.00 each
The fall season starts end of August and runs until mid-October. There are 3 levels of play:
U7 Coed Program
The U7 program is for Kindergarten and 1st graders. The program is designed to introduce players to the sport. All teams play small sided games with no goal keeper.
U9 Coed Program
The U9 program is for 2nd and 3rd graders. The program is designed to develop player skill and interest in the game. All teams play small sided 6v6 games, with a goalkeeper included.
U12 Coed Program
The U12 program is for 4th, 5th, and 6th graders. The program is designed to enhance player skill. focus, and team work in preparation for modified soccer. All teams play small sided 8v8 games, with a goalkeeper included.
*Team shirts will be provided to all players
*Shin Guards are REQUIRED; kids are not allowed to play without them
*Soccer Cleats are required
If there are players who do not have shin guards or cleats of their own, please let the coach know. There is a limited supply of these items that have been donated. Also, if anyone has outgrown cleats or shin guards they would like to donate, please give them to your child's coach. Thank you!

Register Activity Ages Grades Days Date/Time Fees
  Registration Unavailable
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U12 Coed Program 
N/A 4 - 6   09/03/2025 - 10/19/2025

$35.00 Fee, $35.00 Non-Res
  Registration Unavailable
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U7 Coed Program 
N/A PK - 1   09/03/2025 - 10/19/2025

$35.00 Fee, $35.00 Non-Res
  Registration Unavailable
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U9 Coed Program 
N/A 2 - 3   09/03/2025 - 10/19/2025

$35.00 Fee, $35.00 Non-Res
* Adjustments and discounts will be applied during checkout if applicable. *

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